On this page you will find the disclaimer of Zlippo B.V. In this disclaimer we state under which provision we supply our information on our website.
Intellectual property
The use of the knowledge on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or in any other form take advantage of the information supplied. You may only re-use the knowledge on this website according to the regulations of mandatory law. Without written permission of Zlippo B.V. it is not allowed to re-use text, foto’s or any other material on this website. The intellectueel property belongs to Zlippo B.V.
No garantee of correctness
Mistakes that originate due to typing or coding errors, are not a motive to be able to claim any form of contract or agreement with Zlippo B.V. Zlippo B.V. aims for site that is up-to-date. If the content or information on this website is incomplete or incorrect, Zlippo B.V will not be held responsible. De information en/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or repost these materials without prior notice. Zlippo B.V. accepts no responsibility for any information from third parties in which we refer to hyperlinks.
May due to curcustances this disclaimer change, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer on this page.